Entering Codes Manually

After creating codesets, you can add codes manually in the code value grid.

To enter codes manually, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Codeset Manager.
  2. In the Codesets Workspace pane, click a required.
  3. The Code Value Grid appears.

  4. Click .
  5. Click .
  6. The New Code page appears.

  7. Enter appropriate values in the fields. Fields marked a with red asterisk are mandatory. Refer to the following table for field descriptions.
  8. Field Name


    Code Name

    Specifies the code name.

    For example, Admin.

    Code Value

    Specifies the code value of the code name.

    For example, 1.

    Code Description

    Specifies the description about the code.

    For example: The code value for Admin is 1.

    System/ Environment Name

    Specifies the system and environment related with the code.

    For example, EDW.EDW-DEV.

    Select the System/Environment name.

    Start Date

    Specifies the start date of the code validity.

    For example, 02/24/2020.

    Enter the start date using .

    End Date

    Specifies the end date of the code validity.

    For example, 03/22/2021.

    Enter the end date using .

    Activate User Defined Fields

    Turn Activate User Defined Fields to ON to use the user defined fields in the Code Value Grid.

    User Defined Field 1-10

    You can use your own UI labels for user defined fields. For more information on using UI labels for user defined fields, refer to the Configuring Language Settings topic.

  9. Click .
  10. The codes are entered into the Code Value Grid.

  11. Use the following options:

    To maximise the Code Value Grid view, click .

    Export to Excel

    To download the codeset, click .

Managing codesets involves:

  • Editing Codesets
  • Copying Codesets
  • Editing Code Value Grid
  • Retiring Codesets